A Written Interview With Autumn Dawn Leader

Continuing our series of written interviews with unsigned and independent acts, we had the opportunity to submit questions to Autumn Dawn Leader.

How did you start in music?

I was born to a mother who was on the fringes of the music business, being a professional musician, but she also had fingers in all sorts of artistic pies and never was properly ‘discovered’. But, when she performed live, I was often a part of the show – from the age of 4. I took to the stage like the proverbial duck to water – and it seems to be the only thing I’ve ever been capable of taking to so naturally. So, to answer the question, I’ve never really known a time that I wasn’t in music.

How would you describe your music?

Ah! There’s the thing. I find it quite difficult and limiting to stick to one genre. I had so many musical influences growing up, from the classical my grandparents listened to, the more mellow jazz/blues/swing 30’s tunes my mother liked to perform, the 70’s folk-pop that my sisters listened to, and the 80’s rock that, being an 80’s kid, was all around me. So, I cross-genre. A lot. However, in all my flavours of style, I am always focused on the lyrics and the vocals. My message is always the main thing – the music is a carefully crafted boat to hold the all important lyrics. My music isn’t music to dance to; it’s music to make you feel. I write a lot of songs about the sorrows and struggles of life, songs dealing with grief and the affects of loss and pain. My songs let others who feel outside, or who ever lost anything precious, know that they are not alone in how they feel. And, when people tell me that they identify with my songs, I know that I am not alone in how I feel, too.

Tell us about your latest release…

In January I released a punchy, bluesy track, with a bit of an emo edge to it, called ‘The Colour of These Years’. I have a new release, coming very soon, which is an orchestral remix of my acoustic track ‘What It Is’, a song about my utter loathing of the phrase ‘that which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’. This orchestral remix version will be released on the 25th of February.

What are your gigs like?

Intense. Immersive. Intimate. But, it isn’t all heavy. I add a bit of humour in, as well. It may be dark humour, but it lightens things up nonetheless.

What are your plans for the future?

In addition to being a solo artist, I am also 1/2 of the prog-folk duo ‘The Secret Magpies’. The foreseeable future is busy with recording and gigs (including festivals) as part of this duo. I also occasionally perform with the rock band ‘Stevie Jones & The Wildfires’, and Stevie and I have plans, later this year, to record a stripped back acoustic album together. I am constantly writing new stuff, and I don’t have any intention to quit recording and releasing solo work; I will always need the freedom of expression that comes from being a solo artist.

Associated Links

Autumn Dawn Leader on Twitter

Autumn Dawn Leader on Facebook

Autumn Dawn Leader on Instagram

Autumn Dawn Leader’s YouTube channel

Jamie Dyer

Jamie Dyer is an experienced writer, broadcaster, musician and social media marketer. He enjoys Old Time Radio, vintage TV, collecting vinyl and supporting the New York Knicks.

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A Written Interview With Kevin Hewick

Thu Feb 14 , 2019
Continuing our series of written interviews with unsigned and independent acts, we had the opportunity to submit questions to Kevin Hewick. How did you start in music? I saw The […]

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