The Mary Tyler Moore show was an American sitcom, starring Mary Tyler Moore. It aired on CBS, for seven seasons, from 1970 to 1977. The cast also included Ed Asner, […]
Eureka Entertainment recently released the 1943 biopic The Song Of Bernadette, on Blu-Ray for the first time in the UK. The film was based on the 1941 historical novel of […]
Following the recent UK Blu-Ray release of Irma La Douce, Eureka Entertainment have released another classic movie from Billy Wilder’s catalogue; as part of the Masters Of Cinema series. One, […]
Continuing our series of written interviews with unsigned and independent artists, we had the opportunity to submit questions to Kindly Spoken Thieves. How did you form? Kindly Spoken Thieves are Steve […]
Continuing our series of written interviews with unsigned and independent artists, we had the opportunity to submit questions to the band The Strands. How did you form? We started out just […]
Second Chorus is a 1940 musical comedy starring Fred Astaire, Paulette Goddard, Burgess Meredith and Artie Shaw. Danny O’Neill (Astaire) and Hank Taylor (Meredith) are two rival trumpeters with college […]
Recently aired on Talking Pictures TV in the UK as part of their 100th birthday celebration of the life and works of legendary British actor John Gregson, I was both […]
Released in 1951, Operation Pacific is a World War Two submarine drama starring John Wayne, Patricia Neal and Ward Bond, directed by George Waggner. American submarine Thunderfish is tasked with […]
Many years after the release of his Status Quo inspired ‘State of Shock’ EP, it’s clear that Ricky Owen has developed as a musician and performer. Through plenty of practice, […]
In this series of articles, we plan to scour the vaults of The Great 78 Project, offering a review on single records available to discover in the collection. Many of […]