Interview: A Fuego

Continuing our series of written interviews with unsigned and independent acts, we had the opportunity to submit questions to band A Fuego.

1) How did the band form?

We met when one of our former bands, with Graham (lead guitar), Steve (bass guitar) and Pablo (drums) lost its singer. At that stage, Jordan (rhythm guitar) was also enlisted, as a former bandmate of Graham’s. Jude (lead vocals) was in another cover’s band and joined promptly, so we could honor our last commitments.  It turned out quite well, so we decided to refurbish into a brand new band, paying tribute to our favorite artists, as well as writing our own material.

2) How would you describe your music?

Good old Rock, with a strong rhythm and a melodic thread to follow the story. A Fuego’s songs speak about our outlook on humankind, its history, and its future. We tell horror stories with a sense of humor.

3) Where did the name come from?

“A Fuego” is a Spanish expression, which literally means “by fire”. Something is engraved “a fuego”, on your mind or in your skin, when it stays forever, like a branding iron. We feel our music has the power to withstand the pass of time and it blows your brain the first time you listen to it, so we found the wording quite suitable (also, our drummer is a Spaniard”)

4) Tell us about your latest release

We are in the process of recording our first release with our own original material, including some of the tunes that we manage to sneak in our live performances, plus some new! We think that we may be ready to release at the end of October 2018, so… stay tuned!

5) What are your gigs like?

We all have day jobs, so A Fuego is our creative outlet and gigs are a chance to blow off steam and have some fun. We want the audience to enjoy themselves as much as we do. We don’t take ourselves too seriously, but we are passionate about our music. We practice hard to get it right and give our audience the best we can.

Associated Links:

A Fuego on Facebook

A Fuego on Twitter

Jamie Dyer

Jamie Dyer is an experienced writer, broadcaster, musician and social media marketer. He enjoys Old Time Radio, vintage TV, collecting vinyl and supporting the New York Knicks.

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Interview: Mandola Hangover

Tue Sep 11 , 2018
Continuing our series of written interviews with unsigned and independent acts, we had the opportunity to submit questions to band Mandola Hangover. 1) How Did The Band Form? Mandola Hangover […]

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