Interview: Fake Swans

Continuing our series of written interviews with unsigned and independent acts, we had the opportunity to submit questions to band Fake Swans:

1) How did the band form?

We met at college in Stamford, where we were all studying music performance. That’s when we formed Fake Swans, and since then we’ve moved to London together to continue studying music at University of Westminster.

2) How would you describe your music?

Sonny our bassist described our music as “dark, noisy and pretty”. A blanket term would be alternative rock, but with a bit of western influence. We’ve also been described as Adele trapped in a horror film! So I guess an amalgamation of those.

3) How do you go about writing songs?

It’s usually our guitarist Jim who brings a riff that we work the song around. We all add our own parts and develop them together; so much that the finished product usually sounds a million miles from what we start with! It’s always a group effort though, and usually it’s the throwaway parts that someone has just made up on the spot that end up making the best songs! bout writing songs?

4) Any plans for more new music?

We’ve always got something in the works, but our next project is our debut album. We’ll be releasing it next year and it will build on the direction we set with our EP Sorry, that we released last month. Writing is probably the most exciting part of being in a band, as you never know where a song is going to go! So we’re always working on new stuff. Keep an eye out for us in the coming months!

5) What are your gigs like?

The best word to describe our gigs would be loud! We hope they’re good? We love having the chance to play at cool venues all over London; we get to meet other up and coming bands and hear loads of great new music! If you want to check out one of our gigs for yourself, you can catch us at Hope and Anchor in Islington on Friday 28th September.

Associated links:

Fake Swans Music on Facebook

Jamie Dyer

Jamie Dyer is an experienced writer, broadcaster, musician and social media marketer. He enjoys Old Time Radio, vintage TV, collecting vinyl and supporting the New York Knicks.

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Interview: Elliot Falla and The Blue Valentines

Fri Sep 21 , 2018
Continuing our series of written interviews with unsigned and independent acts, we had the opportunity to submit questions to band Elliot Falla and The Blue Valentines. 1) How did the […]

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