Interview: Jayna Jennings

Continuing our series of written interviews with unsigned and independent artists, we had the fortune of submitting questions to US-based singer/songwriter Jayna Jennings.

1) How did you get started in music?
I grew up singing in church and always had a love for music. While I was on the bus, I had a friendly argument with one of my friends over a song that he had written so he dared me to write a better song than his. I guess I won the argument because he seemed really impressed with my song! I fell in love with the whole concept of forming a song that others could enjoy so I decided to do it for the rest of my life! I had incredible music teachers who showed me what to do with my songs and gave me a platform to share my music and that inspired me to take it further.

2 How would you describe your music?
I would say my music is personal, descriptive, emotive, and original. I try to make my music as relatable and as in-depth as possible so that anyone who hears it gets a good idea of what I’m like and what I believe.

3) What inspires you to write music?
Inspiration comes from everywhere for me. It can come from something I read, something someone said, or an experience that changed my perspective.

4) What are your gigs like?
My gigs are not a really stand up and dance kind of show yet because it’s mostly just me and my guitar and sometimes my bass player. I decided that I was going to create a completely different atmosphere until I get a band. My gigs are what I like to refer to as “intimate” because I try to invite the audience into the songs so that they can get to know me and the experiences or stories behind my songs at my live shows!

5) Have you ever considered coming to Britain?
I would love to come to Britain! It would be an amazing experience to meet my fans there and I am hoping to come soon!

Associated Links:
Jayna on Twitter

Janya On Instagram


Jamie Dyer

Jamie Dyer is an experienced writer, broadcaster, musician and social media marketer. He enjoys Old Time Radio, vintage TV, collecting vinyl and supporting the New York Knicks.

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