Interview: Lobster Pot

Continuing our series of written interviews with unsigned and independent acts, we had the opportunity to submit questions to Chichester based band Lobster Pot.

1) How did the band form?

Two of us were studying music production and the others popular music, both at Chichester College. About a year and a half ago we all met backstage at an Ovation Music event we were involved in at Chichester Theatre and chatted about covering a Paramore song; the rest is history!

2) What inspired the name?

We had various questionable names before Lobster Pot; we were trying to think of one when Immy came to rehearsal one day wearing a shirt with Lobsters on; it was as simple as that! Although we do get a bit of confusion with people thinking we’re named after a fish and chip shop!

3) How would you describe your music?

Indie-funk with a bit of grit.

4) You released your debut EP recently, how did that come about?

We’d been wanting to record properly for a while before, as the recordings we’d done ourselves at our college studio weren’t great. Our friend actually hooked us up with Ryan Gorridge, who produced, mixed and mastered the whole thing and basically made it sound a hundred times better than what we could have done on our own. Our style is pretty broad so we tried to pick the four tracks that best represented our range of songs. We’re all perfectionists and really pleased with how it turned out!

5) What are your gigs like?

Our gigs are really energetic; we love to get people moving as well as just having a great time ourselves.

Associated Links:

Lobster Pot on Facebook

Lobster Pot on Twitter

Lobster Pot on Spotify

Lobster Pot on Apple Music

Lobster Pot on Bandcamp

Jamie Dyer

Jamie Dyer is an experienced writer, broadcaster, musician and social media marketer. He enjoys Old Time Radio, vintage TV, collecting vinyl and supporting the New York Knicks.

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Interview: A Fuego

Tue Sep 11 , 2018
Continuing our series of written interviews with unsigned and independent acts, we had the opportunity to submit questions to band A Fuego. 1) How did the band form? We met […]

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