Interview: Saint Loe

Continuing our series of interviews with unsigned and independent artists, we had the opportunity to submit questions to the band, Saint Loe.

How did the band form?

We’re all actually from different parts of the UK, with Ben coming from North Wales, Danny from Swindon and twins Alex and Dan originally from South Shropshire. But we all met at university in Bath studying music and after playing lots together throughout uni, stayed in the area to keep working on Saint Loe.

How would you describe your music?

We’d definitely call ourselves pop but perhaps in a more classic and nostalgic way, with lots of rock n roll and country influences and a load of harmonies. For us, the main thing is making music that people enjoy singing along to, whether that be live at a show or on a record.

Where did the name come from?

We actually took our name from a village near Bath called Newton Saint Loe and there’s no particular reason for this, other than Alex suggested it and we liked it.. But now it serves as a reminder of where we started and that’s nice.

Tell us about your latest release.

Our latest single is a song called ‘Faking Love’ and it’s definitely the record we’re most proud of so far, as well as being our most successful in terms of streams and sales. It really brings together all of our ideas and influences into one song and represents perfectly the kind of music we aim to make in the future. Look out for new stuff soon!

What are your gigs like?

We like to think our gigs are great. So everyone should come to one! At our live shows is definitely where people can connect with us a bit better, see all the different sides to us and our music and have a dance and a sing-along. We love what we do, so always have loads of fun!

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Jamie Dyer

Jamie Dyer is an experienced writer, broadcaster, musician and social media marketer. He enjoys Old Time Radio, vintage TV, collecting vinyl and supporting the New York Knicks.

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Interview: JuiceBox

Thu Sep 6 , 2018
Continuing our series of written interviews with unsigned and independent acts, we had the opportunity to submit questions to London based 3 piece band, JuiceBox. 1) How did the band […]

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