Interview: Shaune Walt

Continuing our series of interviews with unsigned and independent acts, we had the chance to submit questions to Canadian male vocalist, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and entertainer Shaune Walt.
1) How would you describe your music?
It’s definitely got a hard rock vibe and feel going on but most of the tunes can be stripped down to a voice e and a an acoustic guitar acoustic based on lyrical content and song structure can range from country to blues to pop to rock/metal.
2) How do you go about writing songs?
Any number of ways. Sometimes lyrics come first, sometimes it’s the music, sometimes an idea creates a song in my head I have to learn how to play to get it out. The best way I can describe it most times is stream of consciousness l.
3) You’ve just released a new album, how did that come about?
After the demise of Fatal Assembly I had all of this backlogged material and sorts of song ideas.  Some of what you heard in the new album comes from that old Fatal headspace some is brand new material written specifically for this album. It basically took 4 years to write and record. Don’t worry though, the new album is already in production. It’s more of a song picking process except for one entirely new tune right now.
4) What are your live gigs like?
It really depends on the setup.  For a few years it was just myself and an acoustic guitar. Then when Jason Nedeljkovic joined up with me he added some really progressive bass lines and backing vocals and harmonies. At this point we are now working with a drummer and although it’s still to soon to tell for sure, when we play full live band it’s pretty loud and energetic. We like to get the crowd going and we generally throw in some 80s and 90s favorites for good measure
5) Have you any big gigs coming up?
Actually yes. May 29th at the Peterborough Memorial Centre we will be playing ‘Not That Different’ from the new album in support of the amazing athletes of Special Olympics Ontario Summer Games for the opening ceremonies. And on July 6th we will be playing the Crookston Live and Loud Summer Concert Series in Madoc Ontario.
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Jamie Dyer

Jamie Dyer is an experienced writer, broadcaster, musician and social media marketer. He enjoys Old Time Radio, vintage TV, collecting vinyl and supporting the New York Knicks.

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Interview: Samuel Escher

Tue May 15 , 2018
Continuing our series of written interviews with unsigned and independent acts, we had the opportunity to submit questions to multi instrumentalist Samuel Escher. 1) How did you start as a […]

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