Interview: Ysabel Bain

Continuing our series of written interviews with unsigned and independent acts, we had the opportunity to submit questions to Soul singer/songwriter Ysabel Bain.

  1. How did you get started in music?
    Music has been a huge part of my childhood, my dad’s side of the family is very musical and the majority of them haven’t jobs that involve an area of music, so I’ve been into music since I was a kid.
    I started singing at about the age of 10 and started writing at about 12.
  2. How would you describe your music?
    In terms of genre, it’s Soul with an edge. In terms of vibe, I’d describe my music as “your new best friend” it’s the kind of thing you’d listen to and think “yeah, that’s exactly how I feel”.
  3. You’re releasing your debut single in June, how did you find the process?
    I loved it. I love recording, and it’s always amazing to watch the process of a song going from this acoustic bedroom vibe to a real solid piece of work. The releasing process has been hard. I’m not the most experienced person in marketing and releasing so it was a challenge, but I’ve really enjoyed it and look forward to doing it again.
  4. Are there any plans for an album?
    Yes! I’ve recorded 10 songs so far, and I’m hoping to record a few more next year. I’ve got 2/3 singles coming out this year (with a remix and a couple of music videos), and then the plan is to release an album at the end of next year.
  5. What are your gigs like, and have you any coming up?
    I’ve spent the majority of my gigs as an acoustic act so it’s all very intimate. That’s gonna change soon as I’m in the midst of planning out a set with a full band, so we’re gonna try and keep the intimacy but take it up a few levels (maybe get in your face a bit more). Our next gig won’t be until January, we’re gonna do a little launch gig for my 3rd/4th single, but you might catch me around Brighton doing some open mics.
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Jamie Dyer

Jamie Dyer is an experienced writer, broadcaster, musician and social media marketer. He enjoys Old Time Radio, vintage TV, collecting vinyl and supporting the New York Knicks.

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Interview: Kings Of Our Kin

Thu May 24 , 2018
Continuing our series of interviews with unsigned and independent acts, we had the pleasure of submitting questions to Canadian-based pop-rock band Kings Of Our Kin. How would you describe your […]
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