A Written Interview With The Penny Antics

Continuing our series of written interviews with unsigned and independent acts, we had the opportunity to submit questions to The Penny Antics.

How did you form?

We formed after the band had parted ways with our previous drummer. Shane took the reigns offering backing harmonies as well as a new drumming style that helped to shape the sound of our five song EP NOT(e)WORTHY. 

How would you describe your music?

Our sound is distinctly minimalist. I would describe it as a loose, erratic and eccentric jumble of sounds that range from; soft, acoustic, singer-songwriter-type songs to abrasive, aggressive, passionate songs fuelled with angst and everything else in between. It’s very important to us that every song has something different from the last – be that a quirky guitar solo or a drastic change in tones between verses and chorus’.

Where did your name come from?

The name has no meaning, it simply sounded good to me at the time. Once paired with the logo of the goofy-looking skull with the hat on, all the pieces of the puzzle fell together and we were pleased with the way the name and logo reflected the overall feel of the band as well as our personalities.

What are your gigs like?

Our gigs are crazy! We’ve had people jump the stage before and dance about and scream and shout with us! Our music really seems to strike a chord with people of all ages that just drives them nuts! It really means a lot to us when people come up to us after a show and tell us how our music helps them release their aggression – especially on weeknights!

What are your plans for the future?

Our plans for the near future are to release another music video as well as another studio EP to follow up from our five-song EP NOT(e)WORTHY. As of the moment, we have a ten song album out, a five-song EP and a newly released six-song live set of us performing our favourite songs live at The Railway in Southend-on-Sea! (All our material can be purchased or streamed from our Bandcamp page!) Our plans for the moment are to just keep things fresh and exciting! We don’t ever want to become predictable!

Associated Links:

Bandcamp: https://thepennyantics.bandcamp.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thepennyantics

Jamie Dyer

Jamie Dyer is an experienced writer, broadcaster, musician and social media marketer. He enjoys Old Time Radio, vintage TV, collecting vinyl and supporting the New York Knicks.

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