Interview Seven and Counting

Continuing our series of interviews with unsigned and independent acts, we had the opportunity to submit questions to Rusty from the band Seven and Counting.
1) How did the band form?
I decided to form the band at the age of 43, three years ago. It was my first attempt at music whatsoever. I used to write songs for my own amusement and never thought they could be interesting for anyone outside my living room. Suddenly I realized I have songs written 20+ yrs ago I still can play with joy. It made me wonder, “What if there is something in those songs? What if they deserve more than being played in my own four walls?”. And that’s how I started to think about forming the band. After a year or so, we created a group of musicians with similar ideas and interests and started to work on my songs with the main goal – to start with mine song and to finish it as our song.
2) How would you describe your music?

It’s a mix of various styles and influences each of us brought to the band. Mostly classic rock but with bits and pieces of blues, country, folk and even pop.

3) You’re recording your debut album, how’s that going?

We are still working on demo versions but some of them are good enough to be released as ‘official demo’ so the audience can get to know us a little bit. So far, we have two completely finished songs, two more are close to being finished (only main vocal and lead guitar to be recorded and mixing) and three songs are “a work in progress”. Our plan is to finish 6-7 songs and start a crowdfunding campaign to collect funds for studio recording and mixing. IMHO, we are maybe a couple of months behind plan but it’s not such big issue to distract us.

4) Explain your songwriting process.

I see people, I don’t take them for granted. Especially people I care for. I look at myself among others, thinking about my role in their lives and their roles in my life. I think about issues and their roots. Sometimes it all leads me to the song(s) I’m confident showing to the people. 🙂

5) Would you ever consider touring the UK?

Of course! We come from Croatia and European countries are a great choice for touring for being relatively close. The UK is especially interesting due to the very good response from radio stations and their audiences on our songs. Seems we already building some fan-base across The Channel! 😀

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Jamie Dyer

Jamie Dyer is an experienced writer, broadcaster, musician and social media marketer. He enjoys Old Time Radio, vintage TV, collecting vinyl and supporting the New York Knicks.

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Interview: Katie Ellen

Tue Jun 26 , 2018
Continuing our series of interviews with unsigned and independent acts, we had the opportunity to submit questions to singer-songwriter Katie Ellen. 1) How did you get started in music? My […]

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