Talking Pictures TV have announced that the mystery thriller Dangerous Knowledge will air again on the channel. Dangerous Knowledge stars British film and television stalwart John Gregson, as Bill Kirby. […]
Talking Pictures TV
Following on in our series of reviews on classic Police procedural Dixon of Dock Green, the surviving episodes of which are currently airing on Talking Pictures TV, this week we […]
Talking Pictures TV will broadcast the American series Dangerous Assignment, starring Brian Donlevy. Dangerous Assignment first aired as a radio drama on NBC Radio between 1949 and 1953, starring Donlevy […]
Jane discusses the 1963 episode of Dixon of Dock Green entitled Before the Ball.
Following in our series of reviews on individual episodes of classic Police procedural, Dixon of Dock Green, this week we view the 8th instalment (the newly discovered episode makes it […]
Another Saturday night came into view, and once again I sat down to watch the weekly adventures of George Dixon (Jack Warner) and the residents of Dock Green. The episode, […]
Jane reviews the fifth surviving episode of classic Police procedural Dixon of Dock Green, Father in Law, from 1956.
Hello and welcome to another Vintage Media Millennial blog post. In this edition, I’d like to discuss my first impressions of Jack Hargreaves’ Out of Town, which has just started […]
Talking Pictures TV have announced that the classic western series Bonanza will air on the channel this March. Bonanza starred Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright, the head of the family. […]
Talking Pictures TV has announced their intention to broadcast the classic 1960s American Sitcom The Beverly Hillbillies. This follows the channel’s recent airing of the 1993 film revival. The Beverly […]