Jane reviews the third surviving episode of Dixon of Dock Green, The Roaring Boy co-starring Kenneth Cope.
Talking Pictures TV
Dixon of Dock Green, starring Jack Warner, was one of those mythical shows that I often heard about, but never actually saw. Edler relatives would talk about it with great […]
It has been announced that Talking Pictures TV will air the 1981 sitcom Take a Letter, Mr Jones starring John Inman and Rula Lenska. The channel has previously shown the […]
Southern Television sitcom That Beryl Marston will air on Talking Pictures TV in January 2024.
Talking Pictures have announced they will begin airing Jack Hargreaves’ Out Of Town.
Talking Pictures TV has announced their intention to broadcast A Ghost Story for Christmas, a staple of the BBC’s festive TV schedules during the 1970s. A Ghost Story for Christmas […]
Jane discusses Episode Six of 1969 crime drama The Gold Robbers which is currently airing on Talking Pictures TV.
Talking Pictures TV will broadcast 1970 LWT war drama Manhunt, starring Alfred Lynch.
Jane discusses Episode Five of The Gold Robbers, starring Peter Vaughan, airing on Talking Pictures TV.
Fans of vintage British television will be pleased to hear that a large selection of programming from the Southern Television archive is available to stream for free! As part of […]